How to improve your mental wellness

Whether it is employers or individuals, there is an excessive focus on “physical health” when it comes to wellness. Mental health tends to take a back seat as it is often viewed as something which cannot be measured or quantified from an economic perspective. But nothing could be farther from the truth.

An individual who is not in his/her pink of his/her mental health ends up suffering physically by attracting one form of the disease or the other. Thankfully, many insurance companies, at least in the developed countries, are beginning to realise this truth these days – a sound mind is indeed a sound life. In this short article, we will try to understand a little about mental wellness.

What is mental wellbeing?

A better way to understand mental wellness is to consider health as a continuum that extends from illness to a state of optimal wellbeing.* On one end, you have people with poor physical health approaching Doctors and Hospitals to be treated for their illness. On the other end, you have people who take preventive actions and adopt a lifestyle that improves their quality of life and sense of wellbeing. In short, mental wellbeing is all about being proactive, preventive and driven by self-responsibility.

How to improve mental wellness?

  1. Positive mindset: Having a mindset that always hopes for the good, looks for the best in others and tries to see the positive side behind every disappointment and failure.
  2. Invigorating food: Maintaining a healthy diet that is loaded with vitamins, fibers and minerals.
  3. Relaxing environment: Creating or choosing to live/work in an environment that has green plants, pleasing wall colours and soft music.
  4. Stimulating habits: Practicing stress-relieving habits like (guided) meditation, basking in the sun and digital detoxing.
  5. Daily tea party: Taking part in a (virtual) tea party where you get to talk to your friends/colleagues on any subject except office work.
  6. Weekly massage: Pampering yourself with a body massage, sauna bath or hair spa after a long week of hard work.
  7. Creative hobbies: Indulging in hobbies like gardening, cooking, painting, baking, sewing, writing blogs, playing instruments, etc.
  8. Quality sleep: Ensuring you have a minimum of 8 hours of good night sleep every day.
  9. Gratitude journal: Having a jar or diary to record happy moments and store gratitude reminders.
  10. Developing a sense of purpose: Volunteering to help people in need, performing charity, teaching your teammates/subordinates a new skill set and mentoring youngsters.

The above list is in no way an exhaustive list on how to improve your mental wellness. There are many more creative and local ways to improve your sense of wellbeing. Notable among other options is to have a personal coach who can inspire and guide you. Mental health counselling is also widely sought after these days, as the taboo surrounding mental health vanishes slowly and options to avail of confidential mental health services increase.

So, what are you waiting for? There is no end to pursuing a sound mind. After all, achieving wellness is all about pursuing activities, choices, lifestyle and a mindset that leads to holistic health.

*The continuum concept is adapted from Dr Jack Travis’ Illness-Wellness Continuum. Travis is one of the pioneers of the modern wellness movement in the late 1970s.

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